Rainfall-induced landslide forecasting, rapid assessment and hindcasting

Stuart Mackay, NIWA

Home > > Rainfall-induced landslide forecasting, rapid assessment and hindcasting

Project Leader(s)
Chris Massey
GNS Science
Kerry Leith
GNS Science
Contributing Organisations
GNS Sciencemanaaki whenua lcr logo 200Massey UniversityNIWAUniversity of Aucklanduc red landscape te reo rgb

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle triggered over 100,000 landslides across the North Island damaging houses, power lines, bridges, roads and creating dams across channels.  This is potentially the largest landslide-triggering event on record in Aotearoa. Our response required development of new landslide mapping and modelling approaches in order to collate the landslide data. This novel approach provides stakeholders with a timely and sufficient level of spatial and positional accuracy about landslide occurrence and severity – where landslides could occur, did occur and might occur again in the future.

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