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Adaptation of coastal protection infrastructure
Blakely, H., Quilter, P., Smith, S., Witney, M., Shand, T. & Whittaker, C. (2022). Adaptation of coastal protection infrastructure. Special Publication #5 - Coastal Adaptation,…
RNC2 Weather and Wildfire Landslide Project: analysis of recent rainfall-induced landslide datasets for vulnerability functions
Investigating building damage due to rainfall-induced landslides triggered by significant storm events.
Inhomogeneous hidden semi-Markov models for incompletely observed point processes
Shahzadi, A., Wang, T., Bebbington, M. & Parry, M. (2022). Inhomogeneous hidden semi-Markov models for incompletely observed point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical…
AR6 Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability — IPCC. Chapter 11 – Australasia
Lawrence, J., B. Mackey, F. Chiew, M.J. Costello, K. Hennessy, N. Lansbury, U.B. Nidumolu, G. Pecl, L. Rickards, N. Tapper, A. Woodward, and A. Wreford,…
Disentangling environmental and economic contributions to hydro-economic model output uncertainty: An example in the context of land-use change impact assessment
Knowling MJ, White JT, McDonald GW, Kim J-H, Moore CR, Hemmings B. 2020. Disentangling environmental and economic contributions to hydro-economic model output uncertainty: An example…
Investigating the impact of design criteria on the expected seismic losses of an office building
Williamson, Michael; John, Luis; Sullivan, Timothy. Investigating the impact of design criteria on the expected seismic losses of an office building. Proceedings of the 2021…
Disaster memorial events for increasing awareness and preparedness: 150 years since the Arica tsunami in Aotearoa-New Zealand
Thomas K-L, Kaiser L, Campbell E, Johnston D, Campbell H, Solomon R, Jack H, Borrero J, Northern A. 2020. Disaster memorial events for increasing awareness…
Identifying the Impact-Related Data Uses and Gaps for Hydrometeorological Impact Forecasts and Warnings.
There is a growing need for vulnerability and exposure data to inform impact-based forecasts and warnings, especially for social and health impacts, not just infrastructure.
Regenerating Socio-Cultural Capacities and Capabilities in Disaster Recovery Settings: Repurposing, emergent and transformative processes.
Paton, D., Buergelt, P.T., Her, R.S., Jang, L-J., Lai, R-L., Tseng, Y-L., Wu, R-S. & Sagala, S. (2022). Regenerating Socio-Cultural Capacities and Capabilities in Disaster…
A risk-based approach to land use: planning for natural hazards.
Saunders WSA. 2017. A risk-based approach to land use: planning for natural hazards. Planning Quarterly. 205:28-33.
The Case for Community-Led Geoheritage and Geoconservation Ventures in Māngere, South Auckland, and Central Otago, New Zealand
Gravis I, Németh K, Twemlow C, Németh B. 2020. The case for community-led geoheritage and geoconservation ventures in Māngere, South Auckland, and Central Otago, New…
Communicating drivers of environmental change through transdisciplinary human-environment modelling
Allison, A. E. F., Dickson, M. E., Fisher, K. T., & Thrush, S. F. (2021). Communicating drivers of environmental change through transdisciplinary humanenvironment modeling. Earth's…