He peka tītoki e kore e whati
The branch of the tītoki tree will not be broken
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges was one of 11 National Science Challenges that ran from 2014 – 2024, funded through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Our mission was to accelerate Aotearoa New Zealand’s resilience to natural hazards through innovative, collaborative research.
We would like to thank everyone who was involved in our ten years’ of mahi, including our researchers, our host GNS Science, our numerous collaborators in hapū and iwi, community groups, councils, agencies and the private sector, and the thirteen partner organisations that were a formal part of our Challenge.
We were funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
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As the Resilience Challenge draws to a close after ten-years of research, this symposium provided an opportunity to look back at the journey, the breadth of knowledge we’ve developed and collated, and how we can continue to build on this legacy.
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A framework for modelling the probability of flooding under levee breaching
W.Wallace, K. Crawford-Flett, M. Wilson, T. Logan. 2024. A framework for modelling the probability of flooding under levee breaching. Journal of Flood Risk Management. DOI:…
Natural hazard planning by New Zealand’s local government: a review of regional policy statements and district plans
Have 2017 RMA amendments aligned Regional Policy Statements and selected District Plans in adopting a ‘risk-based planning approach’ to natural hazards.
A novel illustration of real options analysis to address the problem of probabilities under deep uncertainty and changing climate risk
Two novel applications from New Zealand of real options analysis that formed part of actual decision processes.
Assessing Social Vulnerability to Climate Change at the Coast
Determining who is most vulnerable to climate change impacts in coastal areas to assist decision-makers in prioritising the focus of climate adaptation efforts.
Looking backwards to move forwards: insights for climate change adaptation from historical Māori relocation due to natural hazards in Aotearoa New Zealand
Providing insights from the past to help plan for future adaptation.
Regional implementation of coastal erosion hazard zones for archaeological applications
An opportunity for coastal managers to incorporate heritage considerations into adaptive planning pathways.
Te Tīriti o Waitangi Partnerships Enhances Research, Science and Innovation
The National Science Challenges share their experiences
Presentation Slides, ‘De-Risking Resilience’ Webinar
Understanding real-world decision-making difficulties and testing strategies to ‘de-risk’ putting resilience science into practice and outcomes.
Women and Cyclone
As natural disasters become more frequent, the role of women in recovery needs to be recognised and adequately supported.
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges Kia manawaroa - Ngā Ākina o Te Ao Tūroa is one of 11 National Science Challenges funded by government to tackle the big science questions facing Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Our mission
To accelerate Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural hazard resilience through innovative, collaborative science.
- Our Science
We’re deepening our understanding of natural hazards and creating new tools to build our resilience.
- Our partners
Users of our research are involved from the start to ensure our research outputs are useful, usable and used.