Our diverse urban communities are resilient to disasters, being supported by policies and practices that are inclusive and relevant.
Project description
The Inclusive Urban Resilience project focuses on how to most effectively enable our diverse urban dwellers to become advocates for resilience.
Building resilience through fostering inclusion of diverse urban dwellers has become a central focus of policies and practices geared towards reducing the risk of disaster. The guiding principles of this project are based around the recommendations of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. This agenda requires us to:
Working with a wider range of partners and stakeholders including NGOs and international organisations such as the Red Cross, our objectives include:
Our goal is that new knowledge informs scholarship on disasters as well as policy and actions geared to reduce disaster risk.
He manawaroa ō mātou hapori noho taone kanorau i ngā aituā, ā, e tautokona ana e ngā kaupapahere me ngā tikanga kauawhi, whai tikanga hoki.
Whakaahuatanga papatono
E arotahi ana te kaupapa o te Manawaroa Taone Kauawhi ki te ara whai hua rawa hei whakamana i te hunga noho taone kanorau ki te noho hei kaihāpai i te manawaroa
Kua aro pū ngā kaupapahere me ngā tikanga e hāngai ana ki te whakaheke i te tūraru o tētahi aituā ki te whakawhanaketanga o te manawaroa mā te whakatītina i te kauawhitanga o te hunga noho taone kanorau. E hāngai ana ngā mātāpono o tēnei kaupapa ki ngā tūtohinga o te Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. E tohu ana tēnei kaupapa kia pēnei mātou:
E mahi tahi ana mātou ki ētahi rangapū whānui ake, hunga whai pānga hoki, tae atu ki ngā NGO me ngā tōpūtanga o te ao whānui pērā i te Ripeka Whero, ā, ko ō mātou whāinga ko te:
Ko tō mātou whāinga kia whakamōhio te mātauranga hou i te mātauranga tiketike mō ngā aituā, ngā kaupapahere me ngā mahi e whakaheke nei i te tūraru o ngā aituā.
This sourcebook provides a reference list of existing research dealing with whole-of-society, participatory and inclusive approaches to disaster risk reduction in Aotearoa New Zealand.
A comprehensive and unique perspective on disaster risk associated with natural hazards.
Migrants can be disproportionately impacted by disasters due to their increased vulnerability.
The development of people-centred indicators of resilience in New Zealand highlights people are capable at defining and assessing their own resilience.
Insights into the use of disaster video games in museums.
Understand NFP perspectives and practices in regard to disaster preparedness activities to support people who are the least prepared for disasters.
Determining resilience from the social, economic, communication, disaster competency, and physical resources of the Nigerian community in Auckland.
The role of Buddhist temples in disaster preparedness, response and recovery and the hindrances to optimising this role.
Pacific Island communities’ perspectives and anticipated responses to natural hazards in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Participatory mapping provides a way for children to participate in decision-making processes about disaster risk reduction with adults.
Top-down approaches to participation often privilege some and marginalise others, often because of a failure to adequately acknowledge, analyze, and accommodate power and power relations.
Opportunities, challenges, expectations, and commitments for journal editors both within disaster risk reduction, and academia more broadly.
Blake D, Marlowe J, Johnston D. 2017. Get prepared: discourse for the privileged? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 25:283-288. doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.09.012.
Gampell AV, Gaillard JC, Parsons M, Le Dé L. 2020. Exploring the use of the Quake Safe House video game to foster disaster and disaster…
Exploring the ability of ‘serious’ disaster video games to foster student participation in learning.
A process inclusive of all stakeholders should appropriately assess needs, which can lead to genuine and meaningful learning outcomes.