Hazard Spectrum and Correlation Modelling

Home > Multihazard Risk > Hazard Spectrum and Correlation Modelling

State Completed
Duration 2014 - 2019
Project Leader(s)
Massey University

Project Summary

New Zealand has a complex natural hazard environment, and it is important that we understand those hazards so that we can be prepared for their effects. The Hazard Spectrum and Correlation Modelling project generated new knowledge about interacting hazards, and a set of fit-for-purpose hazard tools and solutions for nationally consistent delivery of risk information. Specifically, this project developed new frameworks and methods for consistent expression of all parts of the hazard spectrum, from low-magnitude/high-frequency to high-magnitude/low-frequency cases. The project also took into account the dynamic shifts that may occur along the hazards impact spectrum, due to factors including climate change, societal change, and geological activity.

The outputs from this project are being utilised with hazard and resilience-relevant knowledge by a wide range of community groups, governance and private agencies, and other science stakeholders.

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