Category: Q & A

Q&A with Dr Mehrdad Aghamohammadi

Q&A with Dr Mehrdad Aghamohammadi Mehrdad Aghamohammadi standing in front of the wind tunnel

Mehrdad is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Auckland with specialized expertise in mechatronics and data science. His role was with the Resilience Challenge Weather and Wildfire programme is within the “Quantification of Wind, Snow, and Ice Loading on New Zealand’s Transmission Line Network During High Impact Weather Events” project, a collaboration partnering with […]

Ē waru pātai whakahau me Ahorangi Taiarahia Black | Eight quick questions with Professor Taiarahia Black

Ē waru pātai whakahau me Ahorangi Taiarahia Black | Eight quick questions with Professor Taiarahia Black img 2332

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi School of Indigenous Graduate Studies Whakatāne Campus E Au Ai Te Reo, Taiao – Kaitiakitanga[1] (Building Language Resilience and Mātauranga Māori Amongst Māori Communities) What is the connection of Ē Au Ai Te Reo, Taiao – Kaitiakitanga to Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2022? Ē Au Ai Te Reo, […]

Q & A with Prof Christine Kenney

Q & A with Prof Christine Kenney Christine Kenney

Christine Kenney (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāi Tahu) has been part of the Resilience Challenge since Phase 1 and was recently appointed as co-leader of our Rural Communities research programme. Q. Kia ora Christine. Congratulations on your recent appointment as co-leader of the Resilience Challenge Rural Programme. What does the role mean for you? […]

Q & A with Dr Christina Magill

Q & A with Dr Christina Magill Christina Magill

Q. Tēnā koe Christina. Congratulations on your recent appointment to co-leader of the Resilience Challenge Volcanoes programme. What does this new opportunity mean for you? Kia ora! Thank you for the opportunity. I am excited to be working with an incredible group of volcano researchers within the RNC Volcanoes programme. It has been wonderful to […]

Q&A with Akuhata Bailey-Winiata

Q&A with Akuhata Bailey-Winiata olympus digital camera

Mapping coastal marae and urupā Tēnā koe Akuhata. Can you tell us about your iwi affiliationsā Yes, my iwi affiliations are Ngāti Whakaue, Tūhourangi, Ngāti Tutetawhā, and Ngāti Tāwhaki. What motivated you to pursue your current research on climate threats to coastal marae and urupā? At the end of 2019 I graduated with my Bachelor […]

Q & A with Prof Jan Lindsay

Q & A with Prof Jan Lindsay caving rangitoto cropped

Q. Tēnā koe Jan. First of all, congratulations on your recent promotion to Professor! Tēnā koe. Thank you. To be honest it still feels quite surreal! I think it is important to acknowledge that an academic career is built on collaborations – with mentors, students, fellow researchers and teachers, funders…and I wouldn’t have achieved promotion […]

Q & A with Dr Bill Fry

Q & A with Dr Bill Fry

Q & A with Dr Bill Fry 17/12/19 Q: Congratulations on your recently completed Hochstetter Lecture tour – how did it go? Great! It was truly a rewarding and humbling experience. The audiences throughout the regions were as varied as the New Zealand landscape. However, the uniting characteristic was the genuine thirst for knowledge. I’ve […]

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