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Law & Disasters – An Auckland Volcanic Field Case Study

Are we prepared for disasters? Instead of treating disasters as individual hazards, should we treat them as a pattern of events and legislate accordingly?

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Modelling Disruption

How the MERIT took helps communities understand the social and economic impacts of disruptive events, and assess mitigation options.

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Tourism and Covid-19 – Opportunities and challenges for rural communities

How COVID-19, and debates about the future shape of tourism, bring opportunities as well as challenges for rural communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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He Pito Mata – Food system security and resilience

Researchers and food security experts share insights on how we can make our food systems more resilient. How can we ensure everyone is fed, both before and after disasters?

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Live Expert Q&A: Adaptation Pathways & Decision-Making for Natural Hazard Resilience

Continuing the conversations from our Te Tai Whanake symposium, some of our panelists answered your questions live.

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He Haerenga Mōrearea – A Hazardous Journey

Mātauranga Māori and mātauranga-a-iwi approaches to emergency management and decision making for disaster risk reduction.

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Resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Built Environment

An overview of our research to build resilience across New Zealand's vertical infrastructure (buildings) and horizontal infrastructure (utility networks).

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Reducing Future Extreme Weather Impacts in Aotearoa New Zealand

Researchers from the Extreme Weather Research Platform (EWRP) present their key findings.

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Earthquake-prone marae: Whānau-based solutions

How could a tailored approach to engineering reports achieve efficiencies and save money for individual marae communities with buildings deemed ‘earthquake-prone’?

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SMART Resilient Communities

Technology is transforming the communities we live in. How can we harness technology to help build our resilience to natural hazards and disasters?

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Resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Built Environment

How is research improving the resilience of our buildings and infrastructure networks to natural hazards?

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Impact-based severe weather warnings for Aotearoa New Zealand

Our Weather & Wildfire researchers Dr Richard Turner (NIWA) and social scientists Dr Sally Potter and Dr Sara Harrison (GNS Science) introduce impact-based weather warnings.

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