Computer modelled synthetic earthquake catalogues have been tested and proven to replicate the statistics of natural earthquakes.
Project description
In order to overcome the limitations of historical earthquake records, researchers in the Fault Model Construction project are building a catalogue of ‘synthetic’ earthquakes using new technology and methods. Before these catalogues can be relied on by hazard and risk modellers, they need to be rigorously tested and tuned.
We aim to ensure the reliability of the synthetic catalogue by working closely with the researchers creating it to:
Our goal is to provide hazard and risk modellers with a reliable earthquake catalogue that can be used to develop improved earthquake and tsunami hazard models.
A more objective way to assess earthquake-related hazard to improve future hazard assessment and emergency response planning.
An update on the development and evaluation of the usefulness of earthquake models for application to some of Aotearoa New Zealand's biggest earthquake challenges.
Toward a better understanding of the effects of uncertainties in fault geometry on earthquake simulator outputs, which is critical for using simulators in hazard assessment.
Introducing heterogeneity to the distribution of the frictional stresses to obtain more realistic and less characteristic synthetic earthquake catalogues for hazard assessment.
Using an exceptionally well-defined 3D geometry of an active normal fault to test the impact of detailed input data on synthetic seismicity simulations.
Input fault geometries and slip rate distributions can significantly affect the resulting synthetic earthquake catalogs from physics-based earthquake simulators, with implications for seismic hazard applications.
Researchers have used earthquake cycle simulators to overcome many of the challenges posed by limited modern observations of large earthquakes.