Better Protection of Māori Cultural Footprints

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Better Protection of Māori Cultural Footprints

Kia pai ake te tiaki i te taiao ahurea Māori i te huarere taikaha

State Phase 2
Duration 2019 – 2024
Budget / Funding $400000
Project Leader(s)
Sylvia Tapuke
Ngāti Haka-Patuheuheu


A digital tool to support Māori communities to develop resilience to high impact weather and enact kaitiakitanga over their cultural heritage sites.

Project description

Māori communities are considered some of the most vulnerable to high impact weather events and the onset of climate change.

We aim to understand the impact of high impact weather on Māori communities and their current levels of preparedness and mitigation preferences. In collaboration with Māori we will use our findings to develop a digital decision-making tool to help them protect and preserve their cultural heritage sites.

To do this we are working with out partners including Heritage NZ, hapū and iwi to:

  • identify Māori communities and historical sites especially vulnerable to high impact weather, selecting one community for our detailed case study.
  • perform qualitative analysis of levels of resilience from a socio-cultural and socio-economic perspective.
  • use high impact weather data, Heritage NZ data, local infrastructure data and local cultural knowledge to develop a decision-making tool to assist the selected Māori community to identify their current levels of resilience, how to strengthen them, and how to negotiate protection and preservation measures for their cultural heritage sites.
  • promote a nation-wide roll-out of the decision-making tool to other vulnerable Māori communities.

Our goal is for Māori communities to become more resilient to high impact weather and have the support they need to face the risks associated with a changing climate.


He rauemi matihiko hei tautoko i ngā hapori Māori ki te whakawhanake i te manawaroa ki te huarere taikaha me te whakamana i te kaitiakitanga o ō rātou wāhi tuku iho.

Whakaahuatanga papatono

Ko ngā hapori Māori tētahi o ngā hunga whakaraerae rawa i te huarere taikaha me te pānga mai o te āhuarangi hurihuri.

E whai ana kia mārama mātou ki te pāpātanga o te huarere taikaha ki ngā hapori Māori me te āhua o ā rātou whakariteritenga onāianei me ngā hiahia whakamauru. Ka mahi tahi ki te Māori me te whakamahi i ā mātou kitenga ki te whakawhanake i tētahi rauemi whakatau-take matihiko hei āwhina i a rātou ki te manaaki me te tiaki i ō rātou wāhi tuku iho.

Hei whakatutuki i tēnei kei te mahi tahi mātou me ō mātou hoa mahi tae atu ki te Pouhere Taonga, ngā hapū me ngā iwi ki te:

  • tautohu i ngā hapori Māori me ngā wāhi tuku iho he whakaraerae rawa ki te huarere taikaha, me te kōwhiri i tētahi hapori hei kaupapa rangahau āmiki mā mātou.
  • whakahaere tātaritanga kounga mō ngā taumata manawaroa mā te tirohanga ahurea ā-pāpori, ohapori hoki.
  • whakamahi i ngā raraunga huarere taikaha, raraunga o te Pouhere Taonga, raraunga tūāhanga me te mātauranga ahurea ā-rohe hei whakawhanake i tētahi rauemi whakatau-take hei āwhina i te hapori Māori i kōwhiria ki te tautohu i te āhua o tō rātou manawaroa, ā, me pēhea e whakapakari, me pēhea hoki e whiriwhiri i ngā whakaritenga manaaki, tiaki hoki mō ō rātou wāhi tuku iho.
  • whakatairanga i tētahi whakaputanga ā-motu o te rauemi whakatau-take ki ētahi atu hapori Māori whakaraerae.

Ko tō mātou whāinga ka manawaroa ake ngā hapori Māori ki te huarere taikaha, ka whai tautoko hoki kia rite ai mō ngā tūraru o te āhuarangi hurihuri.

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