Rural Communities

Paul Sutherland

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Rural Communities

Ngā Hapori Taiwhenua

Programme Leader(s)
Team Leader Caroline Orchiston
University of Otago
Christine Kenney
Christine Kenney
Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāi Tahu
Massey University


Disaster-resilient rural Aotearoa New Zealand, enabled by new knowledge and tools.

Programme description

Aotearoa New Zealand’s rural landscapes and communities are an iconic part of our national identity, and a key economic driver through our productive primary industries and our tourism industry. Many of our rural areas are also exposed to multiple natural hazard risks, making them highly vulnerable to disasters.

The Rural programme worked with the agriculture and tourism industries and key rural groups that underpin our rural communities and economies. A resilient Aotearoa New Zealand requires our rural sector to thrive, so a core priority is developing resilience solutions using a co-creation approach with key industries (dairy, high-value horticulture, sheep and beef, and forestry) to ensure value-chain resilience and policies for rural well-being. With the tourism sector we are seeking to understand the disaster exposure of tourists in rural Aotearoa New Zealand, and devise resilience solutions.

Our research builds from existing relationships and experiences in Kaikōura, North Canterbury and the West Coast, to new partnerships in new case study locations to create widely applicable knowledge and tools for other at-risk rural communities around Aotearoa New Zealand.


Mā te mātauranga me ngā rauemi hou e manawaroa ai ngā rohe taiwhenua o Aotearoa. 

Whakaahuatanga papatono

He āhuatanga e mōhiotia whānuitia ana ō tō tātou tuakiri ā-motu ngā horanuku me ngā hapori taiwhenua o Aotearoa, ā, he āhuatanga whakaaweawe ōhanga matua puta noa i ngā ahumahi mātāmua whaihua, me tō tātou ahumahi tāpoi.  E takoto whakaraerae ana ō tātou rohe taiwhenua maha ki ngā taiao mōrearea maha, me te aha e noho mōrearea ana i ngā aituā.

Kei te mahi tahi te kaupapa Taiwhenua me ngā ahumahi ahuwhenua, tāpoi hoki, me ngā rōpū taiwhenua e tautoko ana i ō tātou hapori me ngā ōhanga taiwhenua. Me puāwai te rāngai taiwhenua e manawaroa ai a Aotearoa, nō reira ko tētahi take matua ko te whakawhanake i ngā otinga manawaroa mā te whakamahi tikanga waihanga ngātahi me ngā ahumahi matua (huamiraka, ahumāra whai wāriu nui, kikohipi me te kikokau, me te mahi ngāherehere) ki te mātua whakarite i te manawaroa o te raupapa-wāriu me ngā kaupapahere mō te oranga taiwhenua. Mō te rāngai tāpoi, e whai ana mātou kia mārama ki te pānga o ngā aituā ki ngā tūruhi i ngā rohe taiwhenua o Aotearoa, me te whakarite otinga manawaroa.

Ka tipu haere tō mātou rangahau mai i ngā hononga o nāianei me ngā wheako i Kaikōura, te raki o Waitaha me te Tai Poutini, ki ngā hononga hou i ngā wāhi rangahau take hou hei hanga i te mātauranga whakamahinga whānui me ngā rauemi mō ētahi atu hapori e noho mōrearea ana puta noa i Aotearoa.

Questions we’re answering

What are the tools, strategies and resources needed to enhance the resilience of rural communities, businesses, and support systems?
06 Rural Project 01
Phase 2

Disaster Resilient Outcomes for Rural Aotearoa New Zealand

View project
What information do rural decision-makers need to reduce risk to rural communities and industries?
06 rural project 02b
Phase 2

Rural Disaster Risk Decision-making

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What can we learn about risk and resilience in rural Māori communities?
06 Rural Project 03c
Phase 2

Whenua Ora; Tangata Ora

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How can we best work with partners and stakeholders to co-create research for a disaster-resilient rural Aotearoa New Zealand?
06 Rural Project 04
Phase 2

Co-creating Rural Disaster Risk Resilience

View project

Research Team

Caroline Orchiston
University of Otago
Tom Wilson
University of Canterbury
Sarah Beaven
University of Canterbury
Christine Kenney
Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāi Tahu
Massey University
Nick Cradock-Henry
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Joanna Fountain
Lincoln University
Nick Kirk
Manaaki Whenua Land Research
University of Canterbury
PhD Student
James Williams
University of Canterbury
Alana Weir
University of Canterbury
Lincoln University
PhD Student
University of Otago
PhD Student
Kristie-Lee Thomas
Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri, Te Āti Awa, Ngai Tohora, Rapuwai
University of Canterbury
University of Canterbury
PhD Student
Ashley Rudkevitch
Lincoln University
PhD Student
David Wither
University of Otago
Laura Tilley
University of Canterbury
PhD Student
University of Canterbury
PhD Student
University of Canterbury
PhD Student

Rural Communities
Latest Resource Outputs


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