
09 Whanake Project 03

Director’s Update: Progress on our Te Tiriti commitments

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AF8 Roadshow 2021: The Science Beneath Our Feet

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Maungawhau Mt Eden from the air

Modelling the social and economic impacts of a volcanic eruption in Auckland

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Improving volcanic ballistic projectile hazard assessments

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Iwi And Hapu Management

How iwi and hapū management plans can enhance the planning process

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The growing wildfire risk at the urban margins

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Managed retreat – by whom and how?

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A legacy for Christchurch: Ten years since February 22 earthquake

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Don’t just think about earthquakes, prepare for them

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Using data sensors to understand tourist disaster risk

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Volcano mapping using hyperspectral remote sensing

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kirsten drew stp6osg 0hu unsplash

Recipients of the Urban Resilience Innovation and Collaboration Hub

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6881 gns science

Charting risk governance trends in New Zealand

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High resolution ex-tropical cyclone modelling 

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Orewa beach

Tsunami preparedness in Orewa

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Opportunities for early warning systems: A review

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kings beach, whananaki photo credit mark dickson cropped

Aotearoa New Zealand’s changing coastline

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Urban Resilience Innovation & Collaboration Hub

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The retreat of ‘two waters’ infrastructure in Petone

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Director’s update: COVID-19 and natural hazard resilience

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