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Te Kooti: Ngā Reo o Te Motu Voices from the Iwi Te Tira Whakaari Trust Rotorua


The first run of the Conference Proceedings booklet 'Te Kooti: Ngā Reo o Te Motu (Te Kooti: Voices from the Iwi)' has arrived and was blessed at a ceremony in Rotorua hosted by Roxanne Smith (Chair, Te Tira Whakaari Trust) and whānau, and conducted by kaikarakia Reremoana Pitau (left) and attended by Chair of Maungapohatu Richard Tumarae (centre), Professor Taiarahia Black (right) and Arihia Bennett (uri o Te Kooti Rikirangi).

The book was distributed in hardcopy to selected kura and schools in June 2022. A guide for teachers is also available to support teachers to utilise the content to support the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum and Te Takanga o Te Wā recently launched by the Prime Minister Jacinda Arden.

Visit the Te Tira Whakaari Trust website to find out more: https://www.tetirawhakaari.co.nz/te-whare-rakei/the-conference-proceedings-book-te-kooti-nga-reo-o-te-motu-blessing/

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