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Indigenous Communities and Climate Change: Situating culture, identity and place in climate change risk mitigation and resilience

Kenney C, Phibbs S. 2020. Indigenous peoples and climate change: situating culture, identity, and place in climate change risk mitigation and resilience. In: Leal Filho W, Luetz J, Ayal D, editors. Handbook of climate change management: research, leadership, transformation. Cham (CH): Springer International Publishing. 27 p.


Global advocacy for culturally diverse and socially inclusive approaches to climate change risk mitigation and adaptation is developing. The 2015 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is a prime example. It promotes policy recognition of Indigenous environmental management knowledge and practices. Yet, inclusion of Indigenous climate change management techniques in policy frameworks has primarily been informed by the “etic” gaze of Western European science. This means cultural phenomena are being analysed or studied from outside the culture being studied. Comprehensive implementation strategies therefore remain lacking. Socio-ecological systems theories frame interpretations of Indigenous identity concepts, space places, and practices. Yet we rarely consider how cultural contexts and linkages between Indigenous culture, identity, and place may be used to enhance climate change resilience. This has caused misunderstanding and misapplication of Indigenous knowledge about mitigating climate change. We address current policy and research literature gaps by presenting and situating “emic” (analysis of cultural phenomena from the perspective of someone from the culture being studied) perspectives and aspirations regarding Indigenous approaches to climate change adaptation.

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