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Citizen science as a catalyst for community resilience building: a two-phase tsunami case study

Doyle EEH, Lambie E, Orchiston C, Becker J, McLaren L, Johnston D, Leonard G. 2020. Citizen science as a catalyst for community resilience building: a two-phase tsunami case study. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies. 24(1):23-49.


Citizen science is sometimes described as public participation in scientific research. The role of citizen science in natural hazard risk awareness, assessment, mitigation, and preparedness is recognised as an important element of disaster risk reduction. Citizen science can increase resilience by building the collective and self-efficacy of individuals, organisations, and communities as well as other factors such as enhancing planning, coping mechanisms, social capital, community participation, leadership, empowerment, trust, and a sense of community. This case study is related to tsunami preparedness and response and was undertaken between 2015 and 2016 in Orewa, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. Phase One was a citizen-initiated, co-developed survey on tsunami preparedness and intended response. The results were used by community leaders to develop a community preparedness and awareness-building exercise with science-led data collection on evacuation numbers and timing. This aimed to improve the response capacity of a coastal community at risk of tsunami and was initiated by the community itself with support from other agencies. This paper highlights that researchers working in the citizen science space must recognise the time required to invest in co-production and the importance of understanding the different motivations of organisations and individuals.

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