Webinar: Earthquake-prone marae

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16 August 2022

Earthquake-prone marae: Whānau-based solutions

Earthquake-prone buildings have hit the headlines in recent years. But what happens when a community has deep ancestral, spiritual and emotional attachment to buildings deemed ‘earthquake-prone’? This is an issue facing many whānau and hapū around the motu.

While some older marae may exceed the new threshold for structural safety (34% of New Building Standards), this cannot be determined without a structural engineer’s report. The high cost of getting such reports means many marae may not meet the deadline for seismic assessment prescribed by the Building Act, and so will have their pre-1976 buildings designated ‘earthquake-prone’ by default.

Approximately 70% of Aotearoa New Zealand’s 1,300 marae expected to have buildings classified as ‘earthquake-prone’ over the next 20 years. A team led by Prof Regan Potangaroa (Ngāti Kahungunu) of Massey University is trying to provide solutions to this complex problem.

For example, most marae buildings are very similar. How could a tailored approach to engineering reports achieve efficiencies and save money for individual marae communities?

If strengthening work is required, Regan favours what he calls “whānau-isation”—the pooling of resources to take a hands-on, community-driven approach—that could enable many to cost-effectively upgrade their buildings for safe and continued use.

Regan will speak about his research and the differing situations he has encountered at case-study marae he has been working with in Hastings, Masterton and Wellington. He is joined by Maire Kipa (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Kahungunu) who will speak about case-study marae in the South Island. Demetrius Potangaroa (Te Ore Ore Marae marae committee chairman) and Boy Thomson (Chairman of Trustees of Te Kainga) will provide community perspectives.

The webinar will be recorded and made available following the event.

Tuesday 20 September, 11am


Regan Potangaroa

Regan is Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa and has been involved with earthquake-prone wharenui since graduating from Canterbury University School of Engineering in the late 1970s. He had worked on many seismic strengthening projects which sparked his Masters of Architecture at Victoria University. That lead to the seismic strengthening work on the Temple at Ratana Pā in the 1990s. And since then, he has worked on many earthquake-prone marae with the Historic Places Trust in Wellington (now Heritage NZ) and through his whānau network. Regan’s professional background of 25 years as a structural design engineer means that his involvement with earthquake prone-marae/wharenui is natural but he has always had an interest in older buildings, better use of as built resources, housing and doing all of that at an affordable cost. And that is something that has extended into his 16 years of academic life and over 200 humanitarian deployments with the United Nations, the IFRC, the big five INGO universities and governments in 26 countries.

Maire Kipa

He uri ahau no Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Kahungunu. Ko Te Upoko o Tahumatā te maunga, Okana te Awa, Ngāti Irakehu te hapu, Ko Irakehu he Manawahine, Takitimu me Uruao ngā waka.

Kia ora, my name is Maire Kipa, I am a Kai-Rangahau Māori based in Ōtautahi assisting Professor Potangaroa in the study of earthquake prone-marae. I am passionate about working from the flax roots and supporting whānau-led recovery networks. I was employed for four years in the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Agency’s Community Resilience Team and then with Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency where I led the rollout of Rū Whenua Navigators for Kaikōura, Rapaki and the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch. Our case study includes the impact of changes in the building codes for marae and the haukainga (whanau emergency responders). My contribution considers the ways in which Mātauranga Māori generates value for marae resilience and disaster risk reduction.

In times of change new ideas and knowledge flows out of shifting priorities and changing cultural perspectives. We will host a noho wānanga of marae emergency responders for whakawhanaungatanga and share purakau of historical significance related to natural disasters within their takiwa. This will set the scene for reflecting on critical decisions made during the emergency response how they played out and the outcomes of those for the present day.

Demetrius Potangaroa (Te Ore Ore Marae marae committee chairman)

Ko Rangitumau te Maunga

Ko Ruamahanga te Awa

Ko Te Ore Ore te Marae

Ko Paora Potangaroa te Tangata

Ko Te Hika a Pāpāuma te Hapū

Ko Takitimu te Waka

Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te Iwi

Boy Thomson (Chairman of Trustees of Te Kainga marae, Wellington)

Tēnei au te tū atu nei i te tihi o tōku ake whare; ka whakarongo ki te ngunguru a moana Raukawa e papaki mai nei i ngā one o Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui Tikitiki a Taranga.

Hī hī! 

Here am I astride the gable of my house, hearing the rolling waves breaking on the sand-ladened coastlines of the Head of the Fish.

Ko Panehikuroa te whetu i meingatia e Io Mātua te Kore, ki a tu tonu ake i runga o Maunga Rimutaka hei tuku i nga hau kaha kia tangi wheoro haere ai i runga i te mata o Te Whanganui a Tara.

Hī hī!

’tis Panehikuroa the Star placed by lo the parentless above Rimutaka maunga; commanding letting forth the eddy the boisterous winds that sweeps throughout the land of the ‘Long awaiting of Tara’ (the great harbour of Tara).

Me aorererangi te piki ake ki te hiwi o Mauimua, roto, pae, taha; ki a tu tāku wae ki runga o Pukehinau, ka whakaeke atu ai i te pukepuketapu o Tangi te Keo ki Te Kainga whakanekeneke! Ka titiro whakararo ki te koripotanga mai o ngā hautuatea ki runga i te rarapatanga mai o ngā wai aniwaniwa.

Hī hī! 

Let me asail the hills carved out by the Māui clan; to settle on the Hinau cladded hillock; then onto the sacred mound where Keo screeched! Nearby stands the home forever in transit! Below the sea ripples, its spray emits myriads of colour.

Me hoki mai anō au ki te tihi o tōku ake whare ka titiro whakawaho, ki te rehutai waho ki te ao e kori ake nei; Takirikiri kau ana te tai o te tangata ki te whakarongo, kei whea te ahunga mai o ngā kupu kōrero ki Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui tikitiki a Taranga.


I return to my sanctuary, apex of my house; from there view the multitudes, and the forever changing tides of mankind. Where is the gathering of the learned the locals with the oral repository attuned to the Head of the Fish of Māui held high, and of Taranga.

Ko Pepene Ruka rāua Ko Anaera nō te wharetoka a Paerangi i runga i a Ruapehu ōku tūpuna

Ko enei ngā mātua o tōku whaene ko Pikiteora Ruka Thomson

Ko Tiaki Thomson rāua ko Hine i te ranginui nō Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rakaipaaka ki Kahungunu

Ko enei ngā mātua o tōku pāpā ko Hone Whariki Thomson

Ko Boy tāku ingoa.

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