November 2023
In 2021, we developed the Ākina Te Tū Kaupapa Māori Research Fund to support further engagement and capability development for our tangata whenua partners across the Resilience Challenge.
In this round of funding, we have provided $65,000 to 6 different kaupapa across the Challenge.
The fund supports the Challenge’s Strategic Priority Area Two: Stronger Partnerships with Māori, through supporting the growth and development of tangata whenua capability and capacity and further our goal to leave a lasting legacy in the research sector and in our community.
Successful 2023 recipients:
Project Leads | Short Title | Programme | Funding Amount |
Taiarahia Black | Mohau Digital Storytelling – Te Reo Maori Resilience in the face of significant disruption (invasion of Maungapohatu) Ē au ai te reo – An anthology of Taiarahia maunga taonga tukuiho | Whanake te kura I tawhiti nui | $5000
$15,000 |
Millie Grant-Mackie | Place-based (Auckland) wananga on honours project – impacts on Sea level rise on local marae, whenua, community through digital elevation modelling | Coastal | $5000 |
Sylvia Tapuke | Sylvia Tapuke Tuakana-Teina program on hazard mapping for Maori communities in Rotorua Community engagement on RNC2 outcomes – surveys, qualitative and quantitative data sets | Weather & Wildfire | $10,000
$10,000 |
Acushla Sciascia | Kia Aumangea – a resilience framework for Ngaruahine: Support to co-design and implement the framework with a focus on rangatahi | Whanake te kura I tawhiti nui | $20,000 |
Total Funding in this Round | $65,000 |
December 2021
In the inaugural round of the Ākina Te Tū Kaupapa Māori Research Fund, we have provided $158,460 to ten projects across the Challenge.
The panel (Dr Jessica Hutchings, Dr Acushla Dee Sciascia and Josh Te Kani) were impressed with the vibrant scope of work happening across the Challenge and the high standard of applications.
The fund supports the Challenge’s Strategic Priority Area Two: Stronger Partnerships with Māori, through supporting the growth and development of tangata whenua capability and capacity and further our goal to leave a lasting legacy in the research sector and in our community.
Successful 2021 recipients:
Project Leads | Short Title | Programme | Funding Amount |
Shari Gallop, Akuhata Bailey-Winiata | Akuhata’s PhD | Coastal | $20,000 |
Mark Dickson, Millie Grant-Mackie | Millie’s Honours Project | Coastal | $4,000 |
Chris Kumeroa | Mātauranga in Regional Civil Defence Planning | Volcanoes | $20,000 |
Kelvin Tapuke, Iwiroa Wairua | Pou-Taiao Wharekauri | Urban | $10,500 |
Kelvin Tapuke, Patrick Tangaere | Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whare Tapere o Whatonga | Urban | $8,500 |
Sylvia Tapuke | High Impact Weather and Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki | Weather & Wildfire | $20,000 |
Darren King, Corey Hebberd | Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau Trust and the Rangitāne o Wairau Settlement Trust | Whanake Te Kura i Tawhiti Nui | $40,000 |
Dan Hikuroa, Te Kerekere Roycroft | Te Kerekere’s PhD | Urban | $13,460 |
Taiarahia Black | Ngā Toenga – Tangata Whenua Engagement | Whanake Te Kura i Tawhiti Nui | $22,000 |
Total Funding in this Round | $158,460 |