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Reflections on Urban Crises, the Science-Policy Interface and the Importance of “Tiny Revolts”

White, I. (2022) Reflections on Urban Crises, the Science-Policy Interface and the Importance of “Tiny Revolts”. Urban Policy and Research, 40 (3):195-205. https://doi.org/10.1080/08111146.2022.2093183


There is barely a field of academic research not subject to crisis claims. Many urban crises span careers and take significant emotional tolls. This is not due to a lack of effort. Academic productivity, as it is typically measured, is rapidly increasing and success claims commonplace. This article reflects critically upon the science-policy interface and interprets the work of Julia Kristeva to discuss the importance of creating “tiny revolts” able to rescale and reframe inquiry, and to problematise success. I argue these revolts hold potential in sustaining ourselves and others, as well as in creating new acts of critical thinking.

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