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Our Changing Coastline
Researchers from our Coastal Programme contributed an article to Build Magazine.
The role of mangroves in coastal flood protection: The importance of channelization
Mangroves can be an effective coastal flood defence if the larger scale (forest-scale) distribution of vegetation also contributes to reducing the landward flow of water.
New Zealand’s Changing Coastline
How our researchers are using aerial and satellite imagery to determine how NZ's coasts are changing and identify erosion hotspots.
Assessing the use of satellite derived bathymetry in estuarine storm surge models – study case: Tauranga Harbour
Satellite-derived bathymetry techniques are accurate enough to use in hydrodynamic modelling, especially in remote areas, where the assessment of flooding risk is more difficult.
80 Years of Shoreline Change in Northland, New Zealand
The first step in an ambitious project to map national-scale shoreline change in New Zealand over the past century.
Spatial Transferability of Residential Building Damage Models between Coastal and Fluvial Flood Hazard Contexts
Using empirical data from coastal, riverine and riverine-levee breach flooding events to analyse residential building damage.
Assessing Social Vulnerability to Climate Change at the Coast
Determining who is most vulnerable to climate change impacts in coastal areas to assist decision-makers in prioritising the focus of climate adaptation efforts.
Insurance and disaster recovery
This brief focusses on insurance issues in Aotearoa New Zealand related to disaster recovery.
Inadequacy Revealed and the Transition to Adaptation as Risk Management in New Zealand
How practice under the existing planning framework has exposed people and assets to greater risk, and how current law and practice can support more effective climate risk management.
Engaging diverse knowledge holders in adaptation research
G. Cundill, B. Harvey, D. Ley, C. Singh, B. Huson, P. Aldunce, R. Biesbroek, J. Lawrence, D. Morchain, J. Nalau, N.P. Simpson, E. Totin 2024…
Modelling economic risk to sea-level rise and storms at the coastal margin
What drives communities to respond to coastal inundation risk and where are their tolerance thresholds for change?
A regional analysis of tide-surge interactions during extreme water levels in complex coastal systems of Aotearoa New Zealand
How does tide-surge interaction (TSI) affect coastal water levels around Aotearoa New Zealand and what are the implications for flooding hazard projections?